Free assessments

Use the search box below by entering one of the following; postcode, location or county.
Caution: our Assessments are very sensitive to the location provided i.e. 1 mile in any direction can make a big difference to the resulting disturbance experienced.

Full Assessment Latest 31 day
Location Postcode Id
Location Postcode

Our full assessment survey is the result of processing in excess of 80,000 data points relating to aircraft movements within a 1 mile radius of any UK 6-7 digit UK post code. To make sense of the assessment please read our article titled “how the assessment index is calculated” . The assessment results are published in the table below.

Due to COVID-19 we use data from 2019 i.e. the Christmas/Winter period (2019) , Easter/Spring (2019) and Autumn Bank Holiday (2019), equating to 25% of the entire year. The 2020 data sets, although also available, will not provide a true assessment picture.

Please contact us by Email: or call: 07940 700031 if you require additional flight scorecard information about any of the locations shown. Also see the menu option “Request a Survey” for a full range of offered surveys.