
DataCourse Ltd is an established IT technology data management company that specialises in enterprise data projects and provides IT Architecture professional services to many of the FTSE 350 organisations. For further information about our full range of IT architecture and strategy, project management, data governance, Web and IT Training services then please Email or call using the contact details below.

AircraftTrafficSurvey.com is a newly created division of DataCourse Ltd that enriches “open” public data sets by analyzing the movements of commercial aircraft over defined locations and timeframes.

Technology Overview and Credits

This site brings together powerful calculation engines, big data and dynamic Web content management. No personal customer information is held on this site and data is not monetised.

Technology UsedPurpose
Python 3.11– Calculation Engine.
– Data Migration Scripts
Enterprise Architect v14.0UML Object and Class modelling
Linux ServerDebian 10.4.
FlaskPython Micro services.
PHP 7.4Embedded dynamic HTML and CMS scripts.
SQLite3Database used to record near real time aircraft movements.
MariaDB 10.3Database used to serve up Web Pages and derive Disturbance Index.
OpenSky Network Organisation.Open data research and academic source of both near real time and historic aircraft movements.
WordPressWeB based content management systems.
WP plugin – WP Data Access by Passionate ProgrammersWeB Content MySQL data management and functionality, including JQUERY.
WP plugin – Woody SnippetsWeb Content embedded PHP code functionality.
Ditty News Ticker – By Metaphor CreationsDitty News Ticker is a multi-functional data display plugin
Leaflet 1.7.1An open-source JavaScript library
for mobile-friendly interactive maps

For more information and chat about aircraft noise and airport activity then feel free to contact us;