Requesting an Aircraft Assessment Package.

A note about our fees. Our Assessment fee is required to help contribute to the day-to-day operational costs of this platform, providing free content and also ongoing research into aircraft noise disruption via the OpenSky Network.

Package 1: Existing 2 Minute Aircraft Assessment. Fee: Free of Charge.
(Fee £5 for an up-to-date refresh of an existing postcode Assessment)

Access to a selection of the 800+ on-line 2 Minute Aircraft Postcode Assessments . The 2 minute assessments provide information about the likelihood of night-time and day-time aircraft disruptions. For example, the probability of disruption to sleep patterns or the enjoyment of your garden, balcony and amenity. No personal information is stored on this site.

Package 2: Full Assessment includes; 31 Day August 2023 Assessment + Latest 31 Day Assessment . Fee: £20.

The Assessment records and analyses all commercial and private aircraft events that occur within a 1 mile radius of your specified post code over the Autumn bank holiday month 2023, a total of 31 days, plus the past 31 days flight activity based on the date of your Assessment instruction. The evidence contained on the Scorecard includes;

  • Noise and Visual Index assessment.
  • Time and date of the aircraft flight event.
  • The flight’s call sign e.g. EZY9471.
  • The altitude in feet.
  • The speed.
  • An Ascending/Descending/Overflying indicator.
  • The distance calculation from your core location in miles.
  • Our comments and advice.

The intention is for the Aircraft Assessment scorecard to be published on this site within 2 hours. You will be notified by email on completion.

To order Package 2 then please Email: or call: 07940 700031. All that’s required is your postcode. Discounts are available for multiple location requests. Payment by Fast Bank Transfer only. The details will be shared by email on response to your Assessment request. None of your personal information is stored.

Package 3. House Hunter Package. Fee £120 annual contract.

The annual House Hunter package is designed for those persons looking for a house across multiple postcodes. We provide access to all previously analysed postcodes filtered by county, postcode, and by the Night and Daytime Assessment result, For example; show all assessed postcodes where sleep disturbance is unlikely and also where a garden is unlikely to be impacted by aircraft. Additionally included in the package are 4 new postcodes assessments, 4 refreshes of existing postcode Assessments, and also a customised 2 and 3 mile radius Assessment for any individual postcode.

Any of these Assessments can be requested at anytime during a period of 12 months from the time of order placement. This package also includes basic on-line training on how to use the visualisations and scorecards, consultancy and advice, provided by a Zoom video call.

To order Package 3 then please Email: or call: 07940 700031. All that’s required is your postcode. Payment by Fast Bank Transfer only that is shared by email on response to an Assessment request. None of your personal information is stored.

Package 4. Bespoke Postcode Assessment. Fee from £65.

We also offer a bespoke Postcode Assessment that allows assessments to be optimised to your specific requirements. For example; a) amending the area Assessed from 1 mile to 3. b) The redefinition of the analysis periods i.e. starting the Assessment for a specific time e.g. 1 week before Christmas, c) identifying pre-Assessed postcodes with the least aircraft disruptions.

To order Package 4 then please Email: or call: 07940 700031. All that’s required is your postcode. Payment by Fast Bank Transfer only that is shared by email on response to an Assessment request. None of your personal information is stored.

Package 5. Virtual aircraft monitoring station. Fee £150 annual contract.

A virtual aircraft monitoring station captures and analyses all commercial aircraft movements that occur within a 1, 2 or 3 mile radius for a given geospatial location. This package is designed for persons that would like to analyses changes in the usage of the airspace over time i.e. have flight movements and patterns changed, for exampe in April ’19 vs April’23 vs April’24 vs April’25 etc. The data, that includes; flight number, plane identifier, height, speed, date and time and vertical rate, is presented as individual flight movement events that is arranged into 12 distinct blocks with each block consisting of 31 days.

To order Package 5 then please Email: or call: 07940 700031. All that’s required is your postcode. Payment by Fast Bank Transfer only that is shared by email on response to an Assessment request. None of your personal information is stored.